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May 7, 2009

Stoned & Blind

Your Observation Skills Get An F

You would be more observant if you were blind.

Or totally stoned out of your mind :-)

I'm not stoned OR blind.

Just nearsighted and stupid, I guess.

Rash(er) Results

Are you addicted to bacon?

Created by Recipe Star

These things are cute, but I don't set much store by the results.

I will eat bacon, but I bet it's not been a half dozen times over the last half dozen years and always when I eat breakfast out. I just don't eat a lot of pork. I buy turkey bacon, though.

EDIT: Dunno what happened to the graphic. It was working just yesterday.

May 6, 2009

Color Flip

Not as engrossing as bubble wrap, but fun for a minute or two.

Color Flip the Pages

If you don't like that, then try out the next best thing to real bubble wrap.

I pop bubble wrap at 9.70 bubbles per second!

I popped 196 bubbles in 20.2 seconds
at www.Virtual-Bubblewrap.com!
Can you beat my score?

Free Horoscope For Websites

Customize the colors to suit your site or blog.

May 5, 2009

Mouthy America

The trouble with America is that there are far too many wide-open spaces surrounded by teeth.
- Charles Luckman

Opposites Attract

I've always suspected I was bi-polar.

I'm fairly certain I'm not "AC/DC" though.