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May 28, 2009

Green Grass - Gary Lewis & the Playboys


eyecandy is a stunning kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. Use the slider bars at the top left to increase/decrease variables.

The only thing missing is some '60s psychedelic music playing in the background.


EDIT: Our friend Alison has her own version of eyecandy.

Missing Children Alerts Widget

For more widgets please visit www.yourminis.com

May 27, 2009


sagacious \suh-GAY-shus\ , adjective:
Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness.

Whatever the opposite of sagacious is, that's what I am.

My discernment is as dull as dishwater, my judgment is so not sound as to be deaf, and I am nearsighted, both literally and figuratively.

To top all that off, I don't even do a very good job of being self-deprecating.

Grill of My Dreams

(click for larger view)

Not sure what model this was, but it's a '40 Dodge. I took a couple more photos, but they weren't really good enough to publish.

Lovely grill, with cool looking Texas cutouts at the bottom.

These Quizzes

Drive me crazy:

You Are A Car

You're the type of person who likes to do things your way. You're a little stubborn.

You're very expressive and a true individual. You don't like to compromise.

You are a very private person. You value your alone time.

While you may seem self centered to some, you are actually very cooperative when you need to be.

Sometimes they're so off the mark they're funny, but some of them are spot-on.