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September 13, 2013

Lines go all over the place

Lines certainly do go all over the place with this time waster.

The lines start going all over the place when you open the page, but then they'll follow your cursor...all over the place. You can change a few variables, such as fade, color and number of lines and the files are available for download so you can waste time offline on your computer if you like.

While it's not the best time waster we've featured, it's not the worst, but I've seen better scribblings with crayons on a white wall done by a three year old.

September 12, 2013

Big Cats Make Bad Pets

From another of my favorite YouTube channels:

10 Reasons Why Big Cats Make Bad Pets

September 11, 2013

I'm No Luddite

You Are Decades Behind the Times

You probably know that you're stuck in the past. And you're not ashamed to admit it.

You consider yourself old school, and maybe even a bit of a luddite.

You believe the best things don't change, so why concern yourself with the "latest and greatest"?

You may be shocked how things have improved. Try and give the present a chance! 

Sometimes these quizzes are a little insulting; first of all, I am certainly no Luddite.(I'd have a robot maid if they made one) I sometimes resist change, but it's almost always "change for change's sake" I dislike. If something works well, I see no reason to do away with it just because the newest model comes out.  It's darn annoying to invest in - as an example - VCR tapes, then DVDs and then Blue-ray and then....???  Sometimes the change is NOT for the better. (Windows ME, for one - the new features were great, the stability sucked)

The test also insulted me with the results b/c I don't have a cell phone.  I seldom travel and don't get many calls on my land line, so there's no need to shell out the bucks for something I wouldn't use.  I hardly ever call on my phone except for tech support or to order a pizza (and lately I've been ordering online - the only way to be more modern with that would be to use mental telepathy to order a beef and mushroom pie)

Also, the test discriminated against me because of my music choices.  I like *some* of the music that's out now, but I prefer the music of my youth and honestly think it was better.  Considering the sold-out crowds at some of these "geriatric" rock band concerts, I'm not the only one who thinks that way.   My favorite music invokes memories of a happier and carefree time, of being young and in love, without the aches and pains of old age. 

September 10, 2013

Best of Just For Laughs Gags

From one of my favorite YouTube channels:

September 9, 2013

Koalas to the Max

The title of the page says "Koalas to the Max dot Com".  That's the secret to this time waster.

When the page opens up, you'll see one big brown ball...that's it.  Run your cursor over it and it immediately splits into four.  Run your cursor over any of the four and IT splits into four.  It doesn't take long to get to this point:

Keep going until the dots are nearly too small to see and you'll see why it's called "Koalas to the Max". It's really pretty cool.  What's even MORE cool is the "prize" you get when you do every single ball.  It's almost maddening because you have to cursor over EVERY one of them, but then it lets you create your own puzzle. 

I won't say anymore because I don't want to ruin the surprise.

Koalas to the Max

September 8, 2013

Happy Grandparents Day!

Did you know the average age of a first-time grandparent in the U.S. is 47?