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March 15, 2014

Cat Age Calculator

How old is your cat in human years ?

To find out enter your cat's age by clicking the cat years and cat months options and your cats age in human years will be automatically calculated.

A little bump from 4/28/09. The Beej is 77 now and really starting to show it.

Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac

March 14, 2014

Worm Facts

Earthworms usually have five hearts, but some species can have up to nine. It's called a heart for simplicity, although it is actually an aortic arch. In between each arch is a gland that helps the worm digest calcium, which it gets from eating a lot of dirt.

More earthworm facts: There can more than one million earthworms in just one acre of land. Earthworms contain both female organs, as well as male organs, making them hermaphrodites. The largest earthworm ever recorded was found in South Africa; from its nose to its tail it measured 22 feet long.

(source: Earthworm Facts)

March 13, 2014

World Sunlight Map

Cool page that shows what parts of the world are in sunlight or darkness.

Videos For Your Cat

From the YouTube channel Videosforyourcat.

There are several other videos, but most involve either birds or fish; there IS one with crickets, but those scare my cat.

Even though they're "videos for your cat", I liked them too.

March 12, 2014


claptrap clap·trap [klap-trap] noun

1. pretentious but insincere or empty language: His speeches seem erudite but analysis reveals them to be mere claptrap.

2. any artifice or expedient for winning applause or impressing the public.

For a visual definition, watch C-Span. 30 seconds oughta do the trick.