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March 20, 2014

The Spring Test

You Are Solitary

You are big on solitude, reflection, and quiet. You love the calmest moments of spring - when the world is still waking up.

You enjoy having time to yourself to take everything in. You function better if you can process on your own schedule.

You notice every detail of life and can spend a lot of time thinking about one or two tiny little things.

You are good at coping with the busyness and chaos of life if you have enough down time. You find your inner peace and comfort. 


Spring Has Sprung!

It's the first day of Spring, or Spring equinox.

 photo spring_md_wht.gif

Be sure and check out the cute Google Doodle today.

Did You Ever Notice?

Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

March 19, 2014

Outfoxed With Link

Saw an article linked to on Bing to the Fox News website, read it, then saw another article I wanted to read but got a 404 page.

Click graphic for larger view

"You may be interested in the content below."

Uh, I "may be", but I clicked on the link to an article that definitely DID interest me...and it wasn't there.  Get your act together, Fox News.

On the other hand, if it had been on the MSNBC or CNN websites, the article would have been there, but I'd have had to tilt my head to the left to read it and crossed my eyes to filter out the political bias.  I'd say the same thing is sometimes true - in reverse-  of Fox News too, but they're the only ones accused of being biased. Gimme a break.


venerable ven·er·a·ble [ven-er-uh-buhl] adjective

1. commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character: a venerable member of Congress.

2. a title for someone proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church to have attained the first degree of sanctity or of an Anglican archdeacon.

3. (of places, buildings, etc.) hallowed by religious, historic, or other lofty associations: the venerable halls of the abbey.

4. impressive or interesting because of age, antique appearance, etc.: a venerable oak tree.

5. extremely old or obsolete; ancient: a venerable automobile.

"a venerable member of Congress"??? That, folks, is the very definition of an oxymoron.

March 18, 2014

Frogs Don't Drink

They absorb water through their skin.