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April 11, 2014


glib [glib] adjective, glib·ber, glib·best.

1. readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so: a glib talker; glib answers.

2. easy or unconstrained, as actions or manners.

3. Archaic. agile; spry.

I'd say glib describes just about every politician.

Well, maybe not George W. Bush...at least not the "fluent" bit.

No Use Crying

Over broken links

April 9, 2014

ad infinitum

ad infinitum ad in·fi·ni·tum[ad in-fuh-nahy-tuhm, ad in-] adverb

to infinity; endlessly; without limit.

That could be part of the description of the advertising found on most websites these days: ads ad infinitum

What's in a Name?

You Should Have a Classic Name

You are practical and cool-headed. You stay composed, even in the face of drama and chaos.

You carry yourself well, and you are quite classy. You have impeccable manners, and people like being around you.

You are not a big risk taker, and no one would accuse you of being wild. You like to stick with what's tried and true.

Classic names like Elizabeth, James, Victoria, Henry, Charlotte, William, or Anna would suit you. 


Nah, I believe I'll just keep my own name, thanks. I've grown used to it and am too old to respond to anything else.

Who is Gregory, Part 3

I don't know why you'd really want to, but you can click on the graphic for a larger view.

This is really getting annoying. I've said it before, but will repeat it: If I were King, there'd be an extreme penalty for spammers - a hammer taken to their hands.

That's 18 over the last few days, plus these from earlier in the month. I'd say I've had four/five hundred hit my spam folder since it started.

Who is Gregory?

Who is Gregory, Part 2