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November 21, 2014

Blinking Women

It's a myth that women blink more than men, but women using oral contraceptives blink nearly a third more often than normal for unknown reasons.

I don't care if they blink more than me, I just wish one would wink at me.

November 20, 2014

Corner Gas: The Movie

Really looking forward to seeing this.

November 19, 2014

November 18, 2014

This Cat is a Jerk

Mike Rowe For President

No, no joke.  Mike Rowe For President 2016.  Why, you ask?

Well, we know he's a hard worker and willing to take on unpleasant tasks from his stint on Dirty Jobs. Sure, he's never been a politician, but that's a big plus in my book.  He's been an opera singer, a pitchman, a spokesperson, a narrator, motivational speaker and currently is promoting mikeroweWORKS, a foundation which is focused on the decline in the blue collar trades and the crumbling state of the infrastructure.   Plus, he doesn't suffer fools lightly. (and, if you read that Facebook post, you can see he's mastered the art of diplomatically telling someone to go to hell without saying it directly.)

What?  Those jobs don't qualify someone to be President?  Well, over the last 40 yrs., we've had a peanut farmer, a B-List actor, a sexual addict, a frat boy of privilege and our first black president who had little experience and even fewer qualifications before being elected.

Rowe is handsome, articulate, accomplished, youthful yet experienced in life and has a great sense of humor.  I don't know 'bout you, but all things considered, that's more than enough to be President of the United States.

I don't know which political party Rowe would run under, but I'd hope his campaign would be independent of either two main parties.

So, yes...Mike Rowe For President.  I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

November 17, 2014

Took Sunday Off

Not that anyone noticed, but I took yesterday off (from posting in here).  For the first time in years, I watched football all day long and not only was that out-of-the-ordinary for me, Dallas wasn't even playing since they're in their bye week.

I really enjoyed watching the other conference opponents - New York, Washington and Philadelphia - not only get beat, but beaten fairly badly.  Sure, the Giants didn't lose by much, but they played so poorly it was fun to watch the meltdown. 

I'll have to admit, however, that I'm about "footballed out" after watching the biggest part of four games yesterday (including the late game last night).  I doubt I'll watch Monday Night Football, but will instead catch up on some of my favorite new-found TV series.