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September 2, 2018

Half-Staff Widget

What with the recent passing of John McCain and the overblown controversy revolving around the half-staff status of flags on govt. facilities, I did some research about the rules/regulations in regards to just when the flags are lowered and stumbled across this half-staff widget:

Click the widget to get one for your own website or blog.

Castle Clout

Castle Clout another fun game from Physics Games.

Try to knock down the castle (and mash the inhabitants) with your medieval trebuchet.

It was hard for me to get my timing down, but after three-four times, I managed to wipe out everything and everyone to move on to the next level.

Play Castle Clout

September 1, 2018


eldritch \EL-drich\ , adjective:
1. Strange; unearthly; weird; eerie.

Plenty of definitions in a Google search, but searching for images sure defines the word.

Free Ride - The Edgar Winter Group

My favorite albino Texan rock 'n roller.

October 4, 2017


Not sure for how long, but I will be offline for a while.

October 3, 2017

Have You Ever Been in Love?

You Have Been in Love a Few Times

You know all about love firsthand. You've experienced it more than once, and you may be in love right now.

Your heart is quite open, and you have few barriers when it comes to falling in love. You just let yourself fall.

You have also experienced your fair share of heartbreak, but you know that just comes with the territory.

You never like healing a broken heart. However, you know that your heart can love again no matter what. It's just a question of time.