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August 15, 2007

Tyson the Skatingboarding Bulldog

You've probably seen this dog on America's Funniest Videos or similar shows but now Tyson has his own website.

Not a lot on the site, but there are some short videos (in Quicktime format). It looks as though it's set up mainly to sell Tyson the Skatingboarding Bulldog merchandise.

What else is new?

Tyson the Skatingboarding Bulldog

Call on Me - Erik Prydz

August 13, 2007


From the website:

Montage-a-google is a simple web-based app that uses Google's image search to generate a large gridded montage of images based on keywords (search terms) entered by the user. Not only an interesting way of browsing the net, it can also be used to create desktop pictures or even posters.

Nifty website! I've made quite a few of these since discovering this site, but some would not be appropriate to upload to my blog. (or any other blog, for that matter)

Here's one I did from using "Groom Cross" as the search terms:


August 12, 2007

I Need a Shower

I need a meteor shower and tonight's the night!

I'm going outside of town, about fifteen miles as the crow flies, out to a dead end dirt road where no one lives and watch the annual Perseids meteor shower. Tonight is the heaviest activity.

From the NASA website:

Got a calendar? Circle this date: Sunday, August 12th. Next to the circle write "all night" and "Meteors!" Attach the above to your refrigerator in plain view so you won't miss the 2007 Perseid meteor shower.

(note: I do this every year for several meteor showers, another good one is in Dec., the Geminids)

"It's going to be a great show," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The Moon is new on August 12th--which means no moonlight, dark skies and plenty of meteors." How many? Cooke estimates one or two Perseids per minute at the shower's peak.

And there's a bonus: Mars. In the constellation Taurus, just below Perseus, Mars shines like a bright red star. Many of the Perseids you see on August 12th and 13th will flit right past it. Instead of following the meteor, you may find you have a hard time taking your eyes off Mars. There's something bewitching about it, maybe the red color or perhaps the fact that it doesn't twinkle like a true star. You stare at Mars and it stares right back.

I've got my little goody bag packed, I'll load it up with some bottles of water and a few small Coke Zeros, my camera and tripod (but I doubt I will be able to take a photo but I will try with a long exposure on some, quick sports setting on others), plenty of batteries and perfect meteor watching music, 3 CDs I made of the best of Pink Floyd.

(Now, some would argue that the Moody Blues might be better, but the Moodies are better for scenic type trips, such as driving down and around in Palo Duro Canyon. )

I'll probably throw in a light jacket, it gets chilly in the pre-dawn hours. Yep, pre-dawn, because I'm not going out there until around midnight or even later. I've got a really nice lawn chair, padded, I'll put it in the back of my truck, park myself where the truck is parked. (rattlesnakes come out and hunt at night, they also like to get out on the roads that still hold heat from the day)

I won't leave until the shower slows down or my Pink Floyd runs out.