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August 26, 2010

Growing Problem

A nifty widget.


orthoepy\ awr-THOH-uh-pee \ , noun;
1. The study of correct pronunciation.
2. The study of the relationship between the pronunciation of words and their orthography.

This is something I should study before old-timers Alzheimer's disease sets in.

I Am Spock

Your Brain is Logical

You are a very facts and figures oriented person. You don't get clouded by emotion.

You like to understand how things work, and you're always collecting data of some sort.

You are a critical thinker. You are look at all the facts before you make a decision.

You aren't likely to change your mind once it's made up, but new facts could sway you - emotional appeals could not.

August 25, 2010

We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister

Just a little reminder to Congress, aimed at both leftist progs. and neo-con right-wingers