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November 18, 2010

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Uh, I mean a gross of countries.

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November 17, 2010

I'm a Night Owl

You Burn the Midnight Oil

No matter how hard you try, you just don't make a good morning person.

You probably don't feel like your brain turns on until at least noon.

You tend to get energized and inspired late into the evening - no matter how early you had to get up.

Try to schedule your time so that you can be productive after dark. There's no use fighting who you are.


idioglossia\ id-ee-uh-GLOS-ee-uh \ , noun;
1. A private form of speech invented by one child or by children who are in close contact, as twins.
2. A pathological condition in which a person's speech is so severely distorted that it is unintelligible.

Or, maybe how we Texans talk. For example, in Tex-speech, my sister Sharon's name is pronounced "Shurren".

If I Had a Daughter...

She'd probably look and act something like this young girl.

She'd most likely sing and curse like this, too.

WARNING! Some graphic language!