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February 24, 2011

No Thanks

You Should Get a Tattoo on Your Arm

You are a spiritual and together person. You are wise to the ways of the world.

Personal expression is very important to you. You think we should all celebrate our individuality.

You don't mind showing off that you're different, even if others have trouble accepting you.

You would be proud of each and every tattoo on your body. If someone doesn't like your tattoos, then they don't like you.

February 20, 2011


lucubration / loo-kyoo-brey-shuhn/
1. laborious work, study, thought, etc., especially at night.
2. the result of such activity, as a learned speech or dissertation.
3. often, lucubrations. any literary effort, especially of a pretentious or solemn nature.

I often stay up late, trying to work, study and think, but it's seldom laborious. None of the results are learned or solemn, but sometimes they're pretentious.

Kids Ask the Funniest Questions

I've got a Facebook friend - Kevin - who is the son of an old classmate; I always enjoy his posts, especially the ones about his nephews and nieces and his interaction with them.

I was listening to a classic rock station while recently checking my FB friend's posts and laughed out loud at another one of Kevin's tales about one of his nephews when the old late 70's tune came on: "Do You Wanna Make Love" by Peter McCann. (song w/ lyrics)

Thinking about this song and my own nephews when they were the age of Kevin's reminded me of something I had forgotten until the song stirred my memory. I can't remember where we were, or what we were doing, but my youngest nephew Brad - who has nearly grown children of his own now - tugged on my shirt sleeve and said he wanted to ask me a question. "Sure!" I told him, and knelt down to get on his level. It was clearly important to him that he get my opinion, so I gave him my full attention. "Uncle Mike," he started, his sweet little face looked at me with earnest "Would you wanna make love or wouldja just rather fool around?"

I was taken aback, at first thinking he was making a joke, but he was far too young to even know what that meant. It then dawned on me that he had heard the song on the radio, maybe even overheard his momma singing along. I replied the best way I knew how:

"Dunno, Brad. Guess that would depend on who I was with."

That satisfied him,thank goodness.

Here's a scan of a photo I took of him at around the same time.

February 18, 2011

I Wanna Kill My Wife Tonight - Mojo Nixon

So politically incorrect but totally rockin'!!!