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August 1, 2011

August Trivia Tournament Begins!

     ToTG Trivia Tournament

The previous monthly tournament for ToTG Trivia Tournament has ended and a new one starts today!

The top 5 scores from last month have been recorded in the Hall of Fame.

I'm an Inert Gas

You Are Neon

You are a vibrant person who can't help but leave a mark on the world. You want to create something amazing.

You know how to light up a room. You are both alluring and hypnotic.

You tend to tire easily, but that doesn't stop you from overexerting yourself.

When people meet you, they tend to remember you for a long time. You create a lasting impression.


ambsace \EYMZ-eys\ , noun;
1. The smallest amount or distance.
2. The lowest throw at dice, the double ace (two ones.)
3. Bad luck; misfortune.

Yet another word I didn't know, but certainly am familiar with the definition, especially #3.

July 31, 2011

Government is the problem

Not the solution.

"I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas."
– Ron Paul