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September 2, 2011

I'm a Lone Night Owl.

That would make a good nickname, I think. "Lone Night Owl"

You Are Independent

You dance to your own drummer, and you like to live life on your own terms.

You do and say whatever you feel like. People are sometimes shocked by your outrageous behavior.

You have a wild and passionate side that you love to express. You have your own way of doing things.

You are a bit of a loner at times. You need space to grow and become who you really are.

Dunno 'bout the "outrageous behavior" but the rest is right. I like the nights because they're cool and quiet.  Of course, they're really cool during the winters! 

Back when I worked on drilling rigs, I always preferred "morning tour" or graveyard shift as it's called everywhere else but the oil field.  It was always easier to find a job - because most guys didn't like working nights - and there were hardly ever any bosses or company men out there at that time.  I hate to paint and the night shift seldom had to do that, especially during winter. 

You also had the entire day "off" if you wanted to look at it that way - at least you could go to the bank, something that was hard for the day shift to do or if you worked evenings you had to get up "early" in order to do any business or laundry.  I treated the night shift just as a day shift, staying up until I got sleepy, usually around noon, then trying to get eight hours of sleep(at least, always seemed I needed a little more when working nights than I did the other shifts).

I also like mornings, as long as I'm up of my own accord for them.  Being woken by an alarm clock is nearly one of my least favorite things.

I'm Six Weeks

...and craving double chocolate chip chunky cookies.

Over the last few days, I've seen this and similar variations on several women's Facebook pages. After seeing it on several female friend's walls, I decided I'd Google it to see just what the deal was. At first, I thought it might be some sort of hint that they were pregnant, but knowing a few of the women were past childbearing age, I decided it might be a code. I was right; it's a "secret" thing women are doing to promote breast cancer awareness. Here's the code:

Your Birthday month = weeks and the actual day = candy (ie: June 1st = "I'm 8 weeks and craving skittles!")

Jan - 1week
Feb - 2weeks
March- 3weeks
April- 4weeks
May - 6weeks
June- 8weeks
July- 10weeks
August- 12weeks
October -14weeks
November-16 weeks
December -18 weeks

Skittles -1
Starburst -2
Kit Kat -3
M&Ms -4l
Galaxy -5
Crunchie -6
Dairy Milk - 7
Lollipop - 8
Peanut Butter cups - 9
Malt balls-10
Twizzlers -11
Bubble Gum-12
Hersey's Kisses-13
Chocolate Mints- 14
Twix -15
Reese's Fastbreaks- 16
Cherry Jello - 18
Milkyway -19
Pickles -20
Creme eggs - 21
Skittles - 22
Gummy bears - 23
Gummy worms -24
Strawberry Pop Tarts - 25
Starburst -26
Mini eggs -27
Kit Kat -28
Double chocolate chip chunky cookies -29
Smarties – 30
Snickers -31

That's all fine and dandy, I suppose; breast cancer is an insidious disease that everyone SHOULD be aware of, but the question I want an answer to is this: How does posting your birthday in code make anyone aware of breast cancer? After my search, I found several forums with women gloating "Tee hee, let's make all the guys wonder what we mean!"

I've seen much dumber things posted on Facebook, but this one just seems silly to me and does absolutely no good to help a worthy cause.

September 1, 2011

Have You Been Hiding?

In my toilet?

From the spam folder:

That's why I keep some Ex-Lax handy.

September Trivia Tournament Begins!

The previous monthly tournament has ended and a new one starts today!

Go to ToTG Trivia Tournament and play!

The top 5 scores from last month have been recorded in the Hall of Fame

August 29, 2011


Saw this on a website earlier and thought it a cool counter. I'm happy with my counters, so I doubt I'll add it. There are several options - background color, different globe types and java or flash variations.

What Sky Guy Am I?

I liked this quiz; my head's always up in the clouds.

Beginnings Inspire You

You are independent and original. You are highly inventive and creative.

You love undertaking new and interesting projects. You have lots of ideas.

You have a delightful and colorful inner world. People would be stunned if they could see inside your head.

You aren't afraid of failure. Tomorrow is always another beginning.