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August 27, 2013

Concrete Calculator

Handy widget for figuring how much concrete is needed for a project, such as a walk, driveway or pad/patio.

August 26, 2013


doggerel dog·ger·el [daw-ger-uhl, dog-er-]
1. a. comic or burlesque, and usually loose or irregular in measure.
b. rude; crude; poor.
2. doggerel verse.

I like this word. I probably should have named this blog "The Doggerel Digest".

Surf's Up!

Too bad I'm thousands of miles away from anyplace to surf.

You Love Freedom

Above all else, you seek autonomy and independence in your life. You want to do your own thing.

You love sensory experiences and adventures. You like to engage all five senses to the extreme.

For you, surfing in the ocean would be all about the freedom you find and practice. 

You love the idea of mastering the waves.

You cherish the unpredictability of the surf and your own actions. Each time surfing would be a totally different experience.

You're a rule bender and a bit of a rebel. 

You would do what feels right when it came to surfing, even if it meant skipping work.

Of all the types, you're the one most likely to get addicted to surfing. Once you pick up your board, it will be hard to put it down. 

10 Decisions That Saved Great Movies

August 24, 2013


There's not a lot to lolz at first, just a face and eyes that follow your cursor around the screen.

But, hold your left-click button down and you're treated to a tune and changing face and colors that will shoot out away from the eyes and opposite of the placement of the cursor.
