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October 26, 2013


yoho yo-ho [yoh-hoh] interjection, verb, yo-hoed, yo-ho·ing.


1. (used as a call or shout to attract attention, accompany effort, etc.)

verb (used without object)

2. to shout “yo-ho!”

Lots of things I could say about "yoho", but instead I'll just post this video:

Touch Effects

Touch Effects is an amazing time waster, truly deserving of the label; it is both addictive and mesmerizing.

Easy to begin:  just put your cursor within the field and click the left-hand mouse button.  The tiny balls will begin to ebb and flow and holding the button down and moving your cursor across the screen will create an even larger effect.

Customize the effects by changing from gravity well to magnetic repulsion, particle tethers from off to on, draw mode from rainbows to balls and blur effect from off to on.

I just noticed something odd;  after playing with the game while writing up this post,  I switched tabs back to this one to complete it and it sure looked like the balls were moving in the below screen shot.

October 25, 2013

UK or US?

Where do you belong?

You Belong in Both

You are flexible, easygoing, and adventurous. 

You belong in the USA, UK, and any other country that will have you.

You make yourself at home anywhere, and you don't have any problem adapting to local customs. You blend well.

You love a life full of experiences, and you feel like there are many chapters to your story. You are open to it all.

You may feel a bit more comfortable with certain people or regions, but you don't let yourself get too comfy. For you, it's important to shake things up. 

Fingernails vs Toenails

It can take from three to six month for a fingernail to grow back, but a toenail can take 12-18 months to grow back completely. The growth rate depends upon a number of factors including age, sex, heredity, time of the year, diet and exercise.