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December 9, 2013

Color Change

Did you know the ruby slippers worn by Dorothy in the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz were originally silver in the book?

The Wikidrummer

Exploring the effects of reverberation

December 6, 2013


slumgullion slum·gul·lion [sluhm-guhl-yuhn, sluhm-guhl-] noun

1. a stew of meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc.
2. a beverage made weak or thin, as watery tea, coffee, or the like.
3. the refuse from processing whale carcasses.
4. a reddish, muddy deposit in mining sluices.

I haven't heard this words in years and years; my pop used it every now 'n then when referring to my mom's goulash - which really wasn't a true goulash, more like beefaroni. (but much, much better) I don't remember if momma was offended by it, but pop was probably close in the choice of words. Slumgullion is what I call my own "throw everything left in the fridge into the crockpot" dishes, but I always meant it to be derogatory towards my own cooking.