Welcome to ToTG!

March 28, 2014

The Purple Test

You Are a Rebel

You've never been one to be part of a crowd. In fact, you avoid most crowds out of principle.

You value your uniqueness, and you're proud of it. You enjoy standing out, even if you don't overtly draw attention to yourself.

You have never been one to copy others. Your inspiration comes from within, and you are very creative.

If anything, you can get a bit annoyed if people copy you too much. You may even change course in order to preserve your individuality. 


Have You Ever Seen The Rain - CCR

March 27, 2014


plash [plash] noun

1. a gentle splash.
2. a pool or puddle. verb (used with object),
3. to splash gently. verb (used without object)

Never heard nor seen this word before. So, taking off the first letter of a word makes it "gentle"?

If that's the case, I guess silently breaking wind would be "art", huh?

Who is Gregory?

Like most everyone else who has a Gmail account, I get a lot of spam; thankfully, most of it is sent straight to the spam folder. Because every now and then a legitimate email or newsletter gets sent there, I go through it once/day and mark them as "safe" so they'll be routed to the inbox in the future. I don't understand why I get so much spam addressed to "Gregory", though.

I did a quick search and found that many people get spam not addressed to them, but I didn't find anyone else who gets "Gregory spam", though. I get something at least once a day addressed to Gregory and there were four emails today. Strange.