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July 5, 2014



anon a·non [uh-non] adverb

1. in a short time; soon.
2. at another time.
3. Archaic. at once; immediately.


4. ever and anon, now and then; occasionally.

I don't think I've ever read this word except in older writings/books and I certainly don't hear it used in speech;  people say "Now!" or "PDQ" or as another definition: "Later, dude."

Anon is not to be confused with anonymous, meaning of unknown name; whose name is withheld ... although when someone posts an inflammatory comment in a forum or message board, anonymous people show up and fan the flames anon.

Free Countdown Timer

Free Countdown Timer for Your Website at timeanddate.com

Not sure why these countdown timers/calendar scripts don't work in a post - I think they conflict with the calendar script at the top of the page. It WILL work in another column (probably because it's in a separate "wrapper") and there's a Cowboys training camp countdown just below the Cowboys module in the right-hand column.  I'll take it down when training camp starts - and *maybe* put up another for when the regular season starts. 

I hope I can then put up another one for when Dallas will be in the Super Bowl...and hope it will be this next one, but the way things have been going with the 'Boys...well, I'm not sure that much coding for that length of time would fit in a Blogger blog.