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July 23, 2014

Longest Running Play

The Mousetrap, a murder mystery by Agatha Christie, is the world's longest running play. The play opened in the West End of London in 1952, and has been running continuously since then.

Billie Jean - The Bottle Boys

Several people in the comments section under the video are saying it's faked. I don't know if that is or isn't the case, but it's still cool.

July 22, 2014

WAY Off-Topic

I read a lot of stuff on the 'net and have found that sometimes the comments under the articles make for better reading than the topic.

What really puzzles me are the comments totally unrelated to the subject; the topic might be border security and someone will bring up gay marriage, or in this case, Hollywood actor's salaries which brought forth this strange comment:

Crazy Circle Illusion!

July 21, 2014

The Funky Donut Test

You Are Warm

You are kind, compassionate, and good to everyone you meet. You make friends easily.

You are quite trustworthy and dependable. You like to help people you know in small, practical ways.

You are quietly confident and know how to walk into a room. You may have a strong presence, but you are never the life of the party.

You don't seek attention, although plenty of people pay attention to you. You prefer to let others shine whenever you can.