Welcome to ToTG!

December 18, 2014

Scary Downhill Run

A bit of profanity in the caption at the first and last, not too bad. I would have said that and much more if I was the rider.

Be sure and watch to the end, that's when it gets really exciting.

December 17, 2014


I went to reply to a comment under a post and saw this:

I noticed this new - and much better than previous versions - verification process on other Blogger blogs I frequent, but this was the first time I had been required to do it on my own blog.  At first I thought it was just a setting that needed to be changed, but apparently it's not something I CAN change, so I'm sorry for the extra step.

I have required OpenID or a Google account in order to post, but that's just to keep my blood pressure down and not have to delete asshole anonymous comments from anyone who wants to criticize me or something I've posted in here.  I don't intend to be offensive in here and don't think I am, but it IS my blog and if someone wants to curse me out or rebut what few controversial things I've said, then they can get their own damn blog and do it there, not in here.

So, again, I'm sorry for the extra step.  I wish I could change it, but at least it's fairly easy to read and is only 3-4 digits to type in.  Maybe this will keep the spam I get now 'n then to a minimum.

People Are Awesome!

December 15, 2014

Scared of Pineapple

Stella the pit bull doesn't like the pineapple.

I don't like 'em either, Stella.


Got my Christmas decorations up.

What Kind of Ist Are You?

You Are An Existentialist

You may sound like a complicated person, but your life philosophy is quite simple. You stay true to yourself.

You believe that only you are responsible for your own life path and outcome. You are very independent and autonomous.

You think that life is often absurd, but you're okay with that. You will find your meaning where you can.

You accept your limitations and strengths in life. You are constantly looking for new opportunities to grow and learn.