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February 9, 2015

How Harry Potter Should Have Ended

The movie series ended several years ago, the last book came out before then and while this isn't topical, it's still HP...and darn funny.   There are some videos on YouTube by CinemaSins ("No movie is without sin!"), who point out all the mistakes and impossibilities in various hit movies and nearly all the Harry Potter flicks get lampooned. 

February 6, 2015

Two Tongue Trivia Tidbits

Just like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. (source)

The notion that the tongue is mapped into four areas—sweet, sour, salty and bitter—is wrong. There are five basic tastes identified so far, and the entire tongue can sense all of these tastes more or less equally. (source)

February 5, 2015

Geisha Girls Get Gay

I was watching a video on YouTube last night: American Experience: PBS: Pearl Harbor Surprise and Remembrance. There was a segment about US/Japan relations,  Japanese culture and American perceptions of the Japanese and this was a title card of a snippet from a documentary made before the war.

(click for larger view)

If you saw something like that these days, you'd think it was porn, huh?

Not only the times have changed, so have definitions of words.