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July 6, 2015

What Country's Breakfast Are You?

You Are an American Breakfast

You are a real go-getter, and your ambitions start early in the morning. You need a hearty breakfast.

You wake up ready to take on the day. You are highly motivated and a self-starter - even on the weekends.

You are energetic, and even if you're lagging, you will force yourself to get moving. You don't let anything stop you.

You are charismatic and inspiring. People are impressed by what you're able to do, and you always provide yourself with the right fuel. 


Not so sure the descriptions of me in the results are accurate, but I DO love a good breakfast...at any time of the day.

July 5, 2015

Speed Limits in Space?

There is no firm boundary where space begins. However the Kármán line, at an altitude of 100 km (62 mi) above sea level, is conventionally used as the start of outer space in space treaties and for aerospace records keeping.

This means that, if you could drive your car straight up, you would arrive in space in an hour, more or less. (obeying all speed limits, of course and maybe stopping to stretch your legs)

You'd probably need a car much like this one: