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September 15, 2017

Just or Unjust?

You See the World as Somewhat Just

You don't see the world in simple terms. What's just and unjust is complicated.

You believe that justice is sometimes served, both in and outside the courts. But there is plenty of injustice to go around.

You don't expect anyone to treat you fairly or unfairly. You do your best to protect yourself from life's uncertainty.

You consider any justice you receive to be a bonus, but it's certainly not the norm.

September 14, 2017

Bummed, Not Buzzed

Not a 404 page, but close enough. Found on the TV Buzer page.

Click pic for larger view.

Nope, no free honey, not even the sweet link I was looking for.

September 8, 2017

Different Dead Dog Links

Not different dead dogs, but dead links with different dogs.

Here's one of the Amazon 404 pages;  you can get a different dog by refreshing the page, but they're all on this page: Meet the Dogs of Amazon.

Say what you want about Amazon, it has to be a pretty good place to work that lets you bring your dog...unless you don't LIKE dogs, I guess.

Click pic for larger view.

September 5, 2017

Are You Frank?

Frankenstein, maybe.

You Are Somewhat Frank

You are constantly balancing your deep desire to be truthful with your need to be polite.

Whenever it's easy, you tell the truth. When it's not easy, well, you at least hint at the truth.

You believe that people aren't as into honesty as they claim to be. And not as honest either.

You are an open book with the people you know best, but you you'll tell a white lie to smooth things over.

September 1, 2017

Thanks, Mavis!

From the spam folder:

Mavis Wanczyk Foundation

Re: Donation

Greetings To You,

My Name is Mavis wanczyk , the winner of the Power ball jackpot of $ $758.7 million  in the AUGUST 24, 2017, My jackpot was a gift from God to me hence my Entire family/foundation has AGREED to do this. My foundation is donating $500,000.00USD to you. please contac maviswanczyk123@gmail.com for full details and please accept this token as a gift from me and my family.

Read more: http://money.cnn.com/2017/08/23/news/powerball-700-million-jackpot/index.html

 Best Regards,
 Mavis Wanczyk

 I looked at the source of the original email and found this IP#:

A quick search gave me this information when I looked up the domain:

Hostname: mx2.combinabpmnet.com
Domain: combinabpmnet.com
Organization: Bharti Airtel
Location: Delhi, National Capital Territory of Delhi, India

And as I always do, I'm publishing the email addresses for when the spambots will trawl this post and hopefully the spammers/scammers will get loads of scam spam.

But yeah, if I ever win a huge lottery jackpot like this, I'm gonna dole out a half million bucks to random total strangers.

Maybe the spammer/scammers are trying to get enough money together to buy a convenience store?