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May 12, 2017

The Difference An "R" Makes

Too funny and a weird coincidence:  I was just checking my Facebook news feed and saw one of those hilarious greeting cards on a wall, but what they described on it happened to me just yesterday!

I was flipping through the channels and stopped on Batman Begins but it had already been on for thirty minutes or so and I wanted to watch the entire thing, so I didn't stay long. I watched long enough to see a scene with the young Jim Gordon and the actor looked familiar so I went to IMDb to see the cast of characters and found out the actor was Gary Oldman. To be honest, I wasn't all that familiar with him until his recent role as Sirius Black in several of the Harry Potter movies.  I had seen him in several of his earlier movies, such as JFK and Hannibal, but I guess he just didn't make that much of an impression on me or I didn't recognize him in the different roles.

I went to Google to view some of his photographs just to see how he's aged over the years and how he looked in other movie roles.  I quickly typed in his name, but made a typo.

Trust me, you don't really want to view the pics of "Gay Oldman". (well, maybe you DO, but I sure didn't.)

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