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September 8, 2015

Are You Compassionate Toward Yourself?

You Show Yourself Some Compassion

Whenever possible, you try to be easy on yourself. You aren't always compassionate, but you try.

You believe it's important to cut yourself a break, because no one else might. And you're doing the best you can.

You live a hectic life, and sometimes it's hard to find the time or energy for self-care. You are still looking for the right balance.

And when you're having a hard day, it may be difficult to not beat up on yourself a bit when you're feeling worn down.

No worries if you're not as self-compassionate as you'd like to be. You're getting there, and that's the important thing.

Remember to be easy on yourself in every way. Even when you make mistakes, it doesn't mean that you're broken. 

1 comment:

Carolea said...

You are well practiced in the art of self-compassion. You love and care for yourself unconditionally.
You are kind to yourself. You may think negative thoughts about yourself, but you refuse to label yourself as anything bad.

You allow yourself to make mistakes and mess up. It hurts, but you don't compound the hurt by beating yourself up about it.
You believe your flaws give you character. You recognize the humanity in yourself and embrace it.

You are mindful of how much stress and negativity you take on in your life. You are big on self-care.
Whenever you are getting overwhelmed or even too judgmental of yourself, you take a step back to breathe