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September 24, 2016

Russian Phishing

Мы ищем покупать текст ссылки, и хотим добавить ключевые слова гиперссылки на популярном веб-сайте. Мы заметили, что вы уже запустили хороший сайт: {$link}. Нас очень интересует реклама. Так вам можно рассказать мне, представите ли такие услуги? Если вы можете, пожалуйста, скажите мне, сколько ценах на текст ссылки на вашем сайте за 1 месяц или 3 месяца, и самое главное, текст ссылки не отображаются код < js - >, < no follow >, < Flash - > и < Iframe > в тексте.
Если у вас есть другие веб-сайты, можете ли вы дать мне ваш сайт список. Большое спасибо. 
Если вам удобно, скажите мне, ваш номер телефона или скайп количество и способ осуществления платежей, спасибо. 
Жду вашего ответа. 



sharintexas said...

Okay, so I had to go to Google translate to see what this one was about. Was this something you actually received? I wonder how many folks actually give them this information.

Mike said...

You know, I probably translated that at one time, but it and the tapeworm post and others were in my blog "drafts" folder and I guess I had them there to post more information and probably meant to translate this but didn't. They were several years old, not sure why they'd been in there that long.

I hate the phone phishing that's going on now. I get calls several times a week and see that they're from Denton, so I used to answer them thinking it might be from one of ya'll, but they're for some scam like siding or driveway repair or the Texas State Troopers Assn. I block them now.