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September 15, 2017

Just or Unjust?

You See the World as Somewhat Just

You don't see the world in simple terms. What's just and unjust is complicated.

You believe that justice is sometimes served, both in and outside the courts. But there is plenty of injustice to go around.

You don't expect anyone to treat you fairly or unfairly. You do your best to protect yourself from life's uncertainty.

You consider any justice you receive to be a bonus, but it's certainly not the norm.


sharintexas said...

That's exactly the same as I got, Mike. But I think I tried to be too nice on some of the answers!

Mike said...

Same here, I didn't want to sound like a whiner, even if I was the only one knowing how I answered.

My attitude changed when I learned about the "locus of control", where it's how people either think they control their fate or if they believe outside influences are to blame (or get the credit) I don't think it's quite that cut and dried, but it did make me realize that I'M the one responsible for my lot in life... not just by what I've done but also by what I've NOT done.