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Showing posts with label miami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miami. Show all posts

August 9, 2007

More Horses

Took a little road trip down to Miami and points beyond and couldn't resist taking some more horse photos. There was a herd of about eight just past the cemetery but these were the closest.

I parked, got out and walked over to the fenceline, but was ignored for a minute or two.

Curiosity got the better of a couple and they came over to investigate.

A quick nip showed who was boss, and soon it was just me and the boss.

They were really pretty, very healthy looking. I don't know much about horseflesh (or about much at all, having no horse sense) but these are being cared for very well.

Today was very hot, right at 100 deg. The fields were fairly green and lush because of the recent rains.

Got down on my knees to take a shot looking up at him with the beautiful cloudy sky in the background... and he came down with me, eye-to-eye.

"Hey dude, what are you doin'?"

He wasn't mean and he's one of the few horses I've photographed that act like they're disappointed I have a camera in my hand instead of a bridle. He even tolerated me petting him, but I'm always so tentative, I think they can sense my fear. I don't care, I want to keep my fingers, the ol' drillin' rigs didn't get any of 'em.

They're beautiful creatures.

August 2, 2007

Wheeler Headstone

Farm & ranch themed headstone in the Miami Cemetery
Miami, Texas

August 1, 2007

Main Street

This is the view looking up/south Main Street in Miami, Texas. Cattle trucks heading that way face a slow gear-jammin' climbin' crawl up this hill, which is much steeper than it looks in this photo.

Here's the view looking down/north. A guy I knew went down this in a skateboard and was lucky to not be killed; he couldn't stop when he got to the intersection and narrowly missed being hit by an 18-wheeler. I went down it on a ten speed bike and regretted it.

Sun Through Cottonwood Trees

"Five-Mile Park"
East of Miami, Texas
Roberts County
Hwy 60

July 20, 2007

Windmill II

Windmill at Roberts County Museum
Miami, Texas

Older photo

July 17, 2007


(click photo for larger view)

I was driving along Hwy 70 last week and decided to detour down Farm-to-Market road 283. I hadn't been down that road in over 20 years, I believe.

I stopped and took a photo of this historical marker; it tells of a town that used to exist just to the east of the spot. If you'll view the larger photo, you will be able to read how there was a controversy over where the county courthouse would be located. I think that's a pretty common history for a lot of areas in Texas and even through this country... men with property wanting to make their property more valuable by siting the govt. nearby or making sure the railroad went through the nearest town.

(Roberts County map - Parnell is nearly dead center in that graphic)

While reading the plaque, I noticed a bird had pooped all over "Miami". That must have been a Briscoe bird. On the other hand - claw?- the mess is also on "contested elections".

That'd be a liberal bird, still squawking.

July 8, 2007

The Cowboy's Prayer

A grave plot in the Miami cemetery

The Cowboy's Prayer

Oh Lord, I reckon I'm not much just by myself.
I fail to do a lot of things I ought to do.
But Lord, when trails are steep and passes high,
Help me to ride it straight the whole way through.
And when in the falling dusk I get the final call,
I do not care how many flowers they send--
Above all else the happiest trail would be
For You to say to me,
"Let's ride, My friend."

On Roy Rogers' gravestone (about halfway down the page)
Sunset Hills Memorial Park, Apple Valley, California

Just For You-Know-Who

Picked just off the side of the road
Hwy 60 West of Miami, Texas in Roberts County

July 6, 2007

"Just mosey on down the road, stranger"

Cool sign on the outskirts of Miami, Texas. I know the people who own it. If you want to steal it, please remember that nearly everyone here in Texas owns a gun or two or ten or twenty or more.

This is better than one of those doormats that say the same thing. No need to be subtle if you actually feel that way. Me, I just keep a cap on at all times. If someone comes to the door I want to see, I take it off and wave them in with it "Just got home, c'mon in!" and if it's someone I DON'T want to see, I tip my hat and say "Sorry! Just leaving!".

I'd really like one of those doormats, though. Just a suggestion, Christmas isn't far off y'know.

Too Pretty to Mow

"Blanket Flowers" growing wild in the corner of a plot
Miami Texas cemetery

Save Texas From Trash, Too

At a roadside "turn-in" on Hwy 60
West of Miami, Texas

At the risk of making an asp of myself...

I will post yet another ubiquitous snake warning sign.

On the fence at the entrance to the Miami, Texas town cemetery.

Tombstone Cowboy

On a beautiful headstone at the town cemetery
Miami, Texas

July 3, 2007

Cattle Company Sign

West of Miami, Texas on Hwy 60

June 30, 2007


This is one of the last few surviving local windmills made of wood. It was saved from the elements, restored and re-erected just outside the Roberts County Museum located in Miami, Texas.

June 28, 2007

Texas Turkeys

I'm the one on the near-left, with the long beard

Taken in the back yard of a house in Miami, Texas.

How Now, Brown Cow?

East of Miami, Texas in Roberts County

I have this little ritual I always perform after stopping and taking photos of cattle.

As I leave, I always holler "See ya!" and then, under my breath I mutter:

"On my plate with a side order of asparagus!"

This was taken at the same time and in close proximity to this calf. Probably its momma.