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Showing posts with label screenshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label screenshots. Show all posts

May 9, 2009

Kind of Weird

I love space news, so I clicked on this link:

Last Hubble telescope repair involves genius of two South Bay women

I noticed there was a comments section and while I don't always love people's comments in forums, I'm alternately amazed and repulsed by some of them.

I'm the only one in this house, so I wonder why I looked over my shoulder to make sure no woman was watching me read this. I guess I felt guilty for laughing. (didn't agree with the comment, mind you, I just laughed)

I'm thinkin' this guy doesn't get many dates. I'll probably never get another because I laughed.

May 1, 2009

Swine Flu Question

Found this question in the "Ask Yahoo" site:

(click pic for larger/clearer view)

I'm sure the poster was just trying to be funny, but one of the persons who replied tried to be funny and failed miserably.

I'd say the odds are fairly good for that person already having swine flu....probably the chauvinism sub-strain.

Saw this hilarious graphic on the 'net:

April 23, 2009

I think he broke the message board

Funny reply on a msg. board thread. I've blanked out the nicknames in order to protect the identities of the unwitting participants.

There were only three replies. Dunno what happened to the other 4 billion and some.

April 17, 2009


Over the last few weeks I've noticed several hits on my spam posts from a German anti-spam website. Every time I would try to see what they were saying (as if I could speak German) I was denied access. Got in last night, though.

There were no comments in the thread about what I had written that I could see. Just a mention of this blog. Not even a "stummer esel"

"zum seitenanfang" means "Back to the top of the page", I think.

"stummer esel" means ME, of course.

April 14, 2009

England is Getting Shorter!

Don't know why that comes up that way; the length is referring to an old US ship, the USS England (named after a man, not the country)

At that rate, there will not be room but for a couple of soccer fields!

Oh No!

MSN Groups are trying to haunt my blog!

Not for sure what caused it; it might have been because I visited an old Hotmail account and the icons in my Bookmarks got mixed up, but this blog was the only one affected.

It later went away, thank goodness.

March 10, 2009

Great Amazon Deals

Was browsing through Amazon last night and saw there were some kitchen deals; I've been wanting an ice cream machine (even though I shouldn't eat ice cream) and have been wanting a nice mixer. I clicked on the "kitchen and dining" tab to peruse the bargains.

You'll need to click the pic to view the screenshot clearly...

...but I bet you'll be as puzzled as I was trying to figure out why a doggie comb and flea treatment would be classified under "kitchen and dining".

I mean, I've seen 'em at a table, but...

March 5, 2009

The Only Problem

With my daily fortune:

Is I HAVE to be around myself all day.

March 2, 2009

Curious Cast Away Crowd

Noticed that Cast Away was on the tube Saturday afternoon; as soon as the show started, this blog started getting hits left and right from Google and other searches.

Here's but a small sampling of the visitors:

I believe there were close to a hundred hits within a ten minute period. That's a pretty significant amount of visitors for this insignificant blog.

February 26, 2009

Bad Fortune

My fortune for today:

Oh no, I don't.

Language Pwefewences

Click images for larger view.

I was changing some of my Google search preferences and noticed that "Elmer Fudd" was a language option.

January 23, 2009

Walking Through West

It's been years since I've been through West, Texas and but a couple of times in my life at that. The town is on a "lonesome" stretch of I-35 and the highway doesn't go through the town but instead zips around. It's very near a place I'd love to live and a few weeks back I thought I'd use the street view in Google Earth to see the places of interest in the town. The town doesn't have a very good resolution in their particular swath of satellite view, though.

A listing for a Chzeck restaurant caught my eye, so I clicked on the little orb in Google Earth to see what sort of building housed the eatery. According to the place mark, it was located very near or in the two story dilapidated house shown below.

A man walking caught my eye.

The Google van taking the photos took several photos going by the guy.

He glances over, reaches into his pocket.

Looks like he's shouting something, doesn't it?

The van rolls on, the man's hand returns to his jacket.

Up the same street, parking just down from the Family Dollar there's another figure coming out from beside a bright red car.

The van keeps snapping photos:

A little blurry, but it's a pretty young girl with her hair in a ponytail and I'd bet that was her car because it looks as though she's got keys in her hands.

She pays the Google van no attention.

And I'd bet she is looking at the back of her dusty car and thinking she needs to wash it.

She keeps going.

Right towards the guy walking down the street.

You should see the next few shots.

Or maybe not.

January 4, 2009

Amazon Selections

I was just at Amazon, thinking I might replace the old set of headphones I use on this computer. I plugged in "headphones" into the search box and these results came up:

That second entry, the "earbud" type, sure looks to me like they'd hurt like heck when you stuck 'em in your ear.

December 24, 2008

December 22, 2008


Just got this notification from MSN regarding a storage group I have in MSN Groups.

Since they're shutting down Groups in Feb., I wonder why they even bother?

October 7, 2008

Breaking News!

The Hanson brothers buy Excite.

(go HERE if you don't get the joke)

Debate TV

I'm opting for a rerun of

I've never seen that show, but anything nekkid has GOTTA be better than pols with their clothes on.