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Showing posts with label useful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label useful. Show all posts

September 18, 2009

50 Useful Firefox Extensions

50 Firefox Extensions to Turn Google Into the Ultimate Research Tool

I use several of the ones listed: the Adblock Plus, FlashGot, DownThemAll, IE Tab and Grease Monkey.


Fonolo lets you skip the phone menus when calling large companies. Connect to the right person with less hassle!


September 6, 2009


From the website:

It’s the most powerful online guide and value added one stop station for about packaging design, constracture, materials and package printing, manufacturing etc.

You would find the current happenings in global packaging world and the up to date packaging solutions here.

It’s the answer for about how to pack and make your package perfect.

Patterns include a hardware box, shadow box, toothpaste or paint tube protector and many more. One of the more interesting and functional ones, IMHO, is the french fry sleeve. (click for larger view)

When I first saw this website, I immediately thought of our dear, departed online friend Brad in Kentucky. Since he was a whiz at origami, this site was something I think he would've enjoyed...or maybe even created.


August 28, 2009

Back Up Your Blog

When I was involved in the now defunct MSN Groups it was always such a hassle to try to back up my group so I didn't even try. Files and photos could easily be saved/backed-up via the My Network Spaces, but posts had to be copied into a Notepad document and saved, or pasted into an HTML editor and the page saved. (and since people were constantly clearing out their graphics albums in order to save space, the page had to be saved again to save any images) It was a pain.

With Blogger, it's much easier to save each and every post. I've got my settings where I get posts and replies direct to my inbox. I saved them for a while, then decided I didn't really want to keep them. (face it, my posts are not something for the ages)

Another method of saving posts and replies is to use the RSS feed for your blog and save them within Google Reader. Create a folder, name it something like "ToTG" and move all published content to it, easy as that!

I still don't save them, though. I've lost a few posts from here due to some Blogger glitch, but I'm not losing any sleep over it.

August 17, 2009

Monkey On Your Back

From the site:

Waiting on someone to do something for you?

Send one of our specially trained monkeys to remind them!

Monkey On Your Back is your to-do list for things that you want other people to do.

Create a monkey for each task you want to delegate to someone else. We'll send that person email reminders about the task, and email you a reminder when the deadline for the task has expired.

Monkey On Your Back

August 12, 2009

Free Printable Medical Forms

From the website:

More than 50 free printable medical forms and medical charts that you can download and print. Choose from forms for personal use, medical diaries and journals, forms for medical offices, forms for schools and daycare centers and more — all free. Or, download customizable versions for just $3.99. (Or download the entire collection for $27.)

Here's a sample of the Blood Glucose Testing Record, very handy for me!

(click to view; converted from pdf file)

Medical Forms

August 1, 2009

Deferred Sender

From the website:

Deferred Sender is a free service that allows you to schedule emails from any email application or website to be sent in the future. Send reminders, notifications and more!

Easy to get started! Enter your email address, agree to the ubiquitous terms of service, check your email for instructions to activate your account and start using Deferred Sender!

Deferred Sender

July 2, 2009

Birth Announcements Printables

From the site:

More than 20 free printable birth announcements that you can download and print. Or, download customizable versions of these birth announcements for just $7.

Birth Announcements Printables

July 1, 2009

Oil Consumption Widget

Find out how to invest in energy stocks at EnergyAndCapital.com.

June 28, 2009


Convert any file into a web site!

From the site:

File2.ws is a free website that converts any of your own files into a public online web page. Every converted file to a web page has a unique web address so you can share it with friends, or other people on the internet. This allows information to be shared quickly and efficiently to a large audience.

Nifty as all get-out, especially as Google Sites are being discontinued and there's no registration required. Seems to be a great place to share files, but the FAQ says any files can be taken down at any time. There are also stipulations about copyrighted material, but I think this ringtone of mine wouldn't violate any laws since I'm only using a bit of it. I'll take it down after a week or two.


June 23, 2009

E-Mail Icon Generator

Generate an email icon for a signature in forums or as a spam-foil on your blog or website with the nifty E-Mail Icon Generator.

Quite a few email providers are listed; GMail, MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo and many others.

June 15, 2009

US National Debt Clock

View various categories of US debt in real-time with this website.

(that's not even all the page; you'll need to scroll down to view all the categories of debt)

US National Debt Clock

June 4, 2009


BrowserShots: Check your website's compatibility, cross platform browser test

From the site:

What is BrowserShots?

Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server here.


Even though I don't have a "real" website, I went ahead and submitted this blog's URL as a test and got these results. What's really cool is they'll zip all the screenshots up into a zip file for you!

June 2, 2009

Comprehensive Blog Glossary

From the website:

In the blogging world there are all sort of unique terminology (like Kizzog) and abbreviations for just about any task, service or product. To help keep you up-to-date on the words and there meanings we have created a comprehensive blog glossary or "blogssary" as it's know in the blogging world.

Quad-Lock Unit Converter

From the website:

Unit Converter is a freeware tool that can take care of all your unit conversions even when offline. It has an easy-to-use interface and contains more than 900 units commonly encountered while solving engineering or everyday conversion problems. Other features include a function to Find Units and a Smart Input box that evaluates fractions, complex expressions etc. Everything is built into a single executable file so no uninstaller is necessary. Its small file size makes it easy to distribute among friends and co-workers.

Quad-Lock Unit Converter

May 31, 2009


bypass phone systems, talk to a live person, share customer help tips

The gethuman™ movement has been created from the voices of millions of consumers who want to be treated with dignity when they contact a company for customer support. Our main goals right now:

  • catalog steps to bypass automated (ivr) phone systems to speak directly to a human main database extended
  • establish standards for customer care based on input from customers (not businesses)
  • allow users to rate businesses for their customer service
  • allow users to discuss customer service experiences
  • allow users to share tips on how to contact help and receive better service

May 15, 2009

Amber Alert

Amber alert ticker for blogs and websites