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July 28, 2014


favonian fa·vo·ni·an [fuh-voh-nee-uhn] adjective

1. of or pertaining to the west wind.
2. mild or favorable; propitious.

I was surprised I didn't know this word - what with all the maritime novels I read as a young man, I'd think it would have been in at least one of them. Maybe it was and I just didn't know what it meant...and I don't remember.

After all, when I was a young man was a long time ago.

Mad Max: Fury Road

I might have to break down and go to the theater to watch this.

July 27, 2014

Fine Herb Quiz

Not really the "fine herb" I'd choose, but....

I'm sure I've eaten something w/ tarragon, but I've never cooked with it.  I love to look at the herbs in the various garden supply catalogs I get in the mail. I'd really like to have a herb garden, esp. w/ some rosemary to sprinkle on a potato galette - I've been wanting to make one of those for a long time.

You Are French Tarragon

You have a strong personality, and you're not really into mellowing it out for anyone.

You can perk up any boring occasion or event. You may take over a room, but your influence is always a good one.

You are a bit offbeat and likely to be very intellectual. You can get lost studying unusual subjects.

You are confident in who you are, and you especially know when you are right. You have experience and knowledge to share.