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July 10, 2007

City Lake

(click for larger view)

Two of the current residents at the city lake.

Goose Stampede!

"Lets get the flock outta here!"

I don't blame them for being scared; after all, I've got a big red nose, a long neck, goofy lookin' splayfeet and I waddle when I walk. (I would have mentioned the feathery down on my butt, but that's covered up)

Viva Las Tornados

According to Univision/Amarillo:

La temporada de tornados en el Panhandle de Texas y Oklahoma, fue especialmente severa durante este año, y aunque el último mes ha transcurrido en relativa calma, 60 tornados han sido confirmados durante la temporada.

Funcionarios del Servicio Metereologico informaron que la nueva tecnología en sus equipos, sus unidades móviles, entrenamiento y la cooperación de la comunidad, les ha permitido hacer un mejor trabajo para ubicar más facilmente los tornados.

Asimismo, los daños reportados no han sido tan severos para la gran cantidad de tornados de la temporada.

Dark Angel - Empty Tomb

The angel inside the empty tomb.

The empty tomb, with the rock rolled away.

I went over to the Cross early one a.m. just after this had been constructed. It was nice and cool inside, but other than the empty ledge where Jesus had lain and the dark angel pictured up above, there's nothing in there...except for that morning, when the ledge was occupied by a sleeping hitchhiker, his head propped up on his backpack. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Jesus.

I spun around like a shot (thinking of the possible headlines: "Man found stabbed to death in religious exhibit") and got out of there as fast as my chubby little legs would carry me.

Then I slammed into the low overhang of the entrance to the tomb.

July 8, 2007

The Cowboy's Prayer

A grave plot in the Miami cemetery

The Cowboy's Prayer

Oh Lord, I reckon I'm not much just by myself.
I fail to do a lot of things I ought to do.
But Lord, when trails are steep and passes high,
Help me to ride it straight the whole way through.
And when in the falling dusk I get the final call,
I do not care how many flowers they send--
Above all else the happiest trail would be
For You to say to me,
"Let's ride, My friend."

On Roy Rogers' gravestone (about halfway down the page)
Sunset Hills Memorial Park, Apple Valley, California