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September 20, 2008


Word of the Day feed from Dictionary.com

misprize \mis-PRYZ\, transitive verb:

1. To hold in contempt.

2. To undervalue.

Boy howdy, do I know this word!

Every time I buy a lotto ticket, play the grocery store games, enter a contest on the 'net, I always mizprise.

Prairie Dog Comic

Cute little vid

Used to be a lot of prairie dogs around here, one large town near the Cabot carbon black R&D plant, but I believe they were poisoned when it was found that some had died from and others carried bubonic plague. The rodents, an important part of the prairie ecosystem, also can carry tularemia. (my ex-wife's uncle died from tularemia)

I saw a documentary on prairie dogs a few years back; in one of the northern plains states, they were killed as sport from long distances with high-powered and scoped rifles. I know they're a nuisance to ranchers, cattle and horses sometimes breaking their legs in the holes that dot the landscape where they make their "towns" and according to Wiki, they are also accused of damaging crops and spreading brush.

September 19, 2008


From Word of the Day:

tintinnabulation \tin-tih-nab-yuh-LAY-shuhn\, noun:
A tinkling sound, as of a bell or bells.

If you put bells on a German Shepard, it would be a rintintinnabulation.

September 18, 2008

Who'll Stop the Rain - CCR

Umbrella Today

Input your zip and see if you'll need your umbrella today.

Here's their answer to "Is it going to rain today in the Pampa area?"

Short and to the point!

(Not going to rain, huh? What else is new?)

(I seldom use an umbrella, and usually just look outside to see if there's a chance of rain, but...this is still a neat site.)

Input your cell phone # and they'll even send you a text message on the days you'll need your umbrella.

Umbrella Today

My Umbrella Matches My Heart

What Your Black Umbrella Says About You

When faced with adversity, you respond with authority. You don't let problems faze you.

You are naturally powerful and commanding. People look to you to take charge.

You are elegant and classy. You know how to always say and do the right thing.

While you stand out, you also fit it. You thrive in a variety of situations.

On a rainy day: you carry on as normal - a little bad weather isn't going to get in your way!