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January 20, 2009

10 Enjoyable Things To Do On Inauguration Day

From the email (recent) archives:

1. Search for a second or third job to help pay your higher taxes;

2. Stage a Ronald Reagan Film Festival in your community;

3. Attend a women's professional basketball game;

4. Search your kitchen for recalled food products;

5. Play Halo 3 and/or Wii with your teenager(s);

6. Ignore all news media sources for 24 hours;

7. Shovel snow off your driveway;

8. Schedule a colonoscopy;

9. File your tax return; and

10. Stay in bed.

January 19, 2009

'Barack Obama Has Refused to Be a President'

Heads-up from JammieWearingFool about cloned Obama websites with the above title and having been outfitted with a computer virus.

The malicious websites originate from China. Whodathunkit? I thought the Ruskies and other ex-Soviet bloc nations had cornered the market on that sort of thing.

"Jammie" is one of my new favorite blogs I follow and a multiple winner of the famous Weblog Awards

They're not up there in searches for "sister's feet" like this one, though.


From this blog's Word of the Day feed:

obscure \uhb-SKYOOR\,


1. not clearly expressed; hard to understand

1. to hide from view; dim, darken

1. not well known; not prominent
2. dark, dim, murky

"Hard to understand" certainly would be the phrase to describe this blog. Used as a verb, "not well known" and "not prominent" would also fit.

"Dim" and "murky" describes this blog's author.

Kate Winslet's Golden Globes

I don't really follow entertainment news, but skimming through the news headlines a bit ago I saw where Kate Winslet won two Golden Globes this last week.

Wow. I thought she was born with 'em...or at least got 'em around puberty.

Quote of the Day 1/19/09

Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
- Sallust

I dunno 'bout "architect"; some of us are in demolition, running the wrecking ball.

Comic Book Advertisements

Top 10 Outrageous Comic Book Advertisements

I remember these very well and recall spending hours looking at these ads, wishing I had $6.95 for the Polaris Nuclear Submarine. (the nuclear sub was born the same year I was!)

I knew not to ask my folks for the money because seven bucks was a FORTUNE back then. I bet, at that time, it was three hours worth of work for my dad, nearly half a day's wages.

I remember the ad (below) very well too, but didn't want one of them because we already had a dog that would fit in a teacup!

I did have a bunch of those green plastic army men, though, bought from the Woolsworth dime store. I brought a few to school to play army with my best friend Joe Bill; we had staked a claim to a secluded corner of the playground, out of the wind and away from the girl's hopscotch sidewalk.

We had a magnifying glass and would put the "death beam" on the German soldiers (which were identical to the US soldiers except we carved a swastika on their helmets). After we ran out of Germans to fry, Joe Bill melted part of one of my bazooka carrying men. I protested, but Jody assured me he was better that way "Now he can shoot around corners!"