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April 24, 2012

Firefox Make Link Add-on

I've had this new computer for a little over a week now and have been trying to d/l all my programs I like.  Some were free when I downloaded them and are now not free. -sigh- I guess I'll either have to fork over the cash or learn to live without them. 

I've also been trying to configure my Firefox browser the way I like it.  I hadn't noticed until the last post but when I tried to make a link, I discovered I hadn't d/l the "Make Link" add-on.

It's the most handy add-on, especially for blogging or posting in forums.  All you have to do is highlight the text you want to add a link to, then right click and select the type of code you want:

As you can see, there are several options; the html code works here in Blogger, but there are several forums I frequent that use the forum code or BB (bulletin board) code.  It's quicker than using a rich text editor.

A great add-on and I highly recommend it.

Make Link

A Texas-Sized Gripe

Since I first got on the 'net, I've been reading all sorts of memes about Texas.  Most are funny, some are stereotypes but true, but there are several that just aren't true.  I see people write that Texas is flat - not so, not even here in the Panhandle.  Part of Texas is called the Hill Country for good reason.  There are mountains in far west Texas.  Another misconception is that Texas is hot.  People who think that should spend a winter here in the top of Texas.  Another is that Texas is all desert.  Good grief.  Texas borders the Gulf of Mexico and has some lovely beaches; east Texas has loads of timber and from here to Lubbock is some of the finest farmland in the U.S.

That's OK, though...those ideas are from people who just don't know any better.  There's one thing, however, that's perpetuated by Texans themselves and I want to set the record straight.

There was a recipe post that hit my reader yesterday that finally made me decide to rant.  The post - The Texican Burger -  brought up the "what kind of coke do you want?" meme.

Me: Do you want a coke?
Not me: Yes.
Me: What kind?
Not me: Dr. Pepper.

This is such crap. I was born and raised here in Texas, lived here for over half a century and I've NEVER heard anyone say that nor been asked anything like that when ordering a soda.  If you asked for a Coke, that's what you got.  If you ordered a DP, they knew you meant Dr Pepper. (which originated in Waco, Texas, btw.)  If you asked a waitress for a strawberry coke, she would probably tell you they had Fanta or Big Red or maybe you'd get a Coke w/ strawberry flavoring added.

Maybe this all stems from the popularity of Coca-Cola and being asked if you would like a coke.  "Yeah, gimme a DP."  That's the only thing I can think of that comes close to "What kind of coke...?" meme.

I belong to a couple of Texas Facebook groups which have posted this among other Texas "truths".  Along with this (and that Texans all drive pickups with gun racks and school lets out during hunting season or that all the women are blonde and have "big hair"), they also state that "true Texans" don't say "soda" or "pop" or "soda pop". Like I said, I'm a native Texan and I say soda and pop and soda pop.

Do a search for "texas what kind of coke do you want" and you'll see thousands of posts that continue this idiotic idea.  Maybe there's something to the stereotype that Texans are stupid - maybe I've just grown up around the smarter ones and the rest of Texas is filled with dumb asses.


April 23, 2012

Not Eggzactly Right

You Are a Poached Egg

You are a competent and successful person. You are obsessed with making sure your life is well organized and scheduled.

You have an incredible sense of focus and determination. You don't let yourself make many mistakes.

You are a high achiever. You like to challenge yourself, and you get great satisfaction from being the best at something.

While you have high standards, you aren't really all that competitive. You only compete with yourself.

We're Having a Gay Old Time!

Updated original post from April '06. The links to the "Love God's Way" website seem to be invalid, now, sorry.

This blog has been getting quite a few hits on the "A Rather Queer Email" post I made a week or so ago, coming in from Google searches (we're #2!! If you can't be Hertz, might as well be Avis!), most likely from their having received the same email as I did.

I was thinking about writing a post on Phelps, that despicable Kansas preacher and his "God Hates Fags" website. It's beyond comprehension how someone can call themself a Christian, yet be so full of hate.

(as I said, I find him despicable for that, but I have trouble controlling my own hatred of him when I hear of him and his congregation picketing the funerals of our fallen soldiers. I believe I couldn't turn the other cheek if he attempted to do it here. Just a warning in advance, Phelps, you sunuvabitch)

Looking for some information about his so-called "church", all the while wondering if I even want to subject my readers to something so horrible, I stumbled across what seems to be another domain he owns or is at least associated with his.

It was a page within the website, one that listed the "Bands to Watch Out For", that had me literally laughing out loud. It's a long, long list of gay bands (and sometimes with a comment in parenthesis) and includes Twisted Sister, The Grateful Dead (drugs too!), Marilyn Manson (dark gay), The Doors, Queen, Phish, The Butchies (lizbians) (Huh? "lizbians"???), The Killers, Judas Priest, The Village People (duh--oops, that's MY comment, sorry), Kansas, The Indigo Girls, Boy George (duh again!), Nirvana, Nickleback, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Wilson Phillips, Motorhead, DMX, kd lang (duh one more time) and quite a few more.

Elton John, apparently, is so gay he's listed twice.

Clay Aiken is listed, but that's not fair, because he adamantly denies it.


Britney Spears is listed because: (kissed Madonna) Madonna is listed, but nothing afterwards in parenthesis, because I reckon she's kissed everybody.

Ted Nugent is listed because...well, I'm not sure. He's been married twice and has fathered five children. "Cat Scratch Fever" seems to be about anything BUT gay sex. They also have (loincloth) after his name which puzzles me.

I guess that means Tarzan was gay, too. He WAS quite a swinger, come to think of it. He did seem to pay more attention to Cheetah than he did Jane. Always rollin' 'round with crocodiles, and spent a little too much time caressing elephant's trunks, too.

Frank Sinatra is on the list. Wow. I guess if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

Cole Porter is listed. It's not been proven he was gay, not that I know of, only innuendo. I guess the website thinks he gave himself away in his music with "Anything Goes", "What is This Thing Called Love?", "You've Got That Thing" and "Blow, Gabriel, Blow".

George Michael is listed, which comes as no big surprise. What DID come as a surprise was having (Texan) after his name. I guess Michael's accent is "Across-the-Pond East Texan".

There's another page, Safe Bands. More surprises there, mainly that Pat Boone and Amy Grant aren't listed. One surprise is that Cheap Trick is listed as safe. I like Cheap Trick, but never thought of them as "safe". Wonder what Phelps would think if I went up to him and said "I want you to want ME."

Not a long list on that page, though. Blondie is listed, but it's all right with the website that "she" (Debby Harry, lead singer) says anytime you're horny just to "Call Me".

The funniest listing was Cyndi Lauper. It's A-OK for girls who just wanna have fun, as long as it's not with other girls.

OR, by themselves. Again, that's OK because while the Bible mentions Onan, it says nothing about "she bopping".

I'm bumping this one up, because I just found the post again when searching for an unrelated one and wanted to update it. I found out something a few weeks after posting this and forgot to update it then: The gay/safe band posts were not made by a Phelps-type homophobic but rather by a gay guy who was using satire to poke fun at the "God Hates Fags" website and group. I'm pretty thick sometimes most of the time all of the time and didn't catch that. I guess I'm one of those idjits that needs a winking smiley to know when it's said in jest.

April 22, 2012

Highway Star - Deep Purple

Heard a bit of trivia on the radio the other day;  it's been 40 years since the Deep Purple album Machine Head was released.

Makes me feel old, but at least listening to this song makes me remember my youth.  It was one of my favorite songs out at the time (liked it MUCH better than the overplayed Smoke on the Water) and I loved to turn up my 8-track and put my foot down on the gas pedal.