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October 22, 2012

Seeing Clearly

It is not what you look at that matters. It is what you see.
  - Henry David Thoreau


recusant rec·u·sant [rek-yuh-zuhnt, ri-kyoo-zuhnt] adjective

1. refusing to submit, comply, etc.
2. obstinate in refusal.

That pretty much describes me.

One Hump or Two?

Did you know that when he was Secretary of War (prior to the Civil War), Jefferson Davis imported camels for the Army to ride?  In 1856, Davis purchased 34 camels at a cost of $30,000 to be used in remote military outposts. The animals proved to be unpopular and not nearly as easy to train as were horses (plus they spooked the horses), so the experiment was abandoned.

More information: U.S. Camel Corps

October 21, 2012


From the ToTG Word of the Day module in the right-hand column.

assoil as·soil [uh-soil] verb (used with object) Archaic 
1. to absolve; acquit; pardon.
2. to atone for.

It's probably a good thing some words are archaic and have fallen into disuse.

Just The Way It Is - The Rembrandts

State Fair

A tribute to the Texas State Fair, closing today.

In my procrastinating way, it's apt that I post the opening of the movie on the day the fair is ending.

I remember seeing this movie at the "pitcher show" with my sisters. (we probably sat through it twice) I also remember it being the first time I was ever excited over a woman - Ann Margaret.

She still excites me.