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May 5, 2013

For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield

I'm A Flake

Since oatmeal wasn't a choice.

You Are Easygoing

You live a life of contentment, relaxation, and smiles. You refuse to let the world get you down.

You have as many worries and problems as most people, but no one could ever tell. You don't get buried in negativity.

In general, you are sweet and optimistic. You expect the best out of life, and you are easily pleased.

The smallest things can light up your day. It doesn't take much to make you happy, and you love surprises.

You are youthful because you have held on to your innocence. You refuse to let yourself get cynical.

When life hands you lemons, you don't just make lemonade. You open up a lemonade stand. 


I am NOW since my divorce.


droll [drohl] adjective, droll·er, droll·est, noun, verb,


1. amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous; waggish.


2. a droll person; jester; wag.


(used without object)

3. Archaic. to jest; joke.

I've been told my humor is droll. I've been accused of purposely trying to rile people up on message boards. I'm not afraid to take a chance. It's a fact that I'm getting on up there in years, so...

I'm an old, bold, droll troll.

May 3, 2013

love is patient

From the website:

The collage process used in this process is based on Voronoi algorithm, which creates polygons from a list of points on the plane. Each polygon is defined by the set of points that are closer to a point on the list.

Each photograph is associated to a dot. The more the dot is isolated from the others, the more its polygon (the mask) becomes larger, revealing more of the photograph.

The autonomous movement of the dots is defined by a constant speed and an iterative random variation on the direction.

Lipstick on Your Collar - Connie Francis

And, in related news: Some Lipsticks Contain Toxic Metals