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August 17, 2013

Creepy Carnivorous Caterpillars

Did you know Hawaii has 18 species of carnivorous caterpillars?

August 16, 2013

What's a Big Brother For?

I just got this in my Gmail account, the one I use for most everything. (I have statements and announcements from them sent to Gmail.)They're referring to my AT&T/Yahoo provided email account, one I never use...and am glad of it. Gmail has its own privacy concerns, but they've never altered my address book.

On one hand, it's good that I don't have invalid email addresses in my address book, but on the other I don't like them making changes w/out my approval, esp. deleting information. 

1984, you got here a little late, but I was hopin' you'd never get here at all.

Funny GIFs

Photobucket has been sending me "You should see these!" types of emails lately; I've used the service for a long time, since MSN Groups, but Blogger lets me add photos using Picassa, so I don't use it much anymore except when I want to put an animated graphic (GIF) into a post. (I guess I "use" it every day because that's where the graphics for the month images at the top of the page are hosted)

I followed a link in the email to see this: Animated_GIFs I would link to the slide show, but there are over 400 graphics and even with my fairly fast connection, the animations wouldn't load fast enough until it was cycling through to the next one. There are some funny ones, worth a look!

(Did you know GIF isn't pronounced "gif" but rather as "jif", with a "J"?  So says the creator of them, but there are people arguing that he's wrong.)

Giddy On Up - Laura Bell Bundy

I was watching another YouTube video and when it ended, one of the recommended videos was I'm No Good (For Ya Baby). (in fact, I liked that song better than the one in the video I posted, but it's not as entertaining) The singer was pretty, but I hadn't heard of her, so a quick search told me she was not only a singer, but an actress and I had seen her in a movie before; she had played the young Sarah Whittle in the 1995 adventure flick Jumanji.

I enjoyed the movie the first time I saw it and sometimes watch it again when it's on the tube. I remember thinking that the girl must have been made up to look like Bonnie Hunt (the actress who played the older Sarah) might have looked at that age, slightly bulbous nose and all. I won't link to any of them, but on the IMDb board for Laura Bell Bundy as well as other forums, her nose has been a big topic of discussion and quite a bit of contention. (Ah, the "joys" of the Internet) It doesn't matter to me if she had a nose job or not, she's a lovely young woman.

August 15, 2013

Kidding Around

You Were an Intuitive Kid

As a kid, your power element was water. You were a very balanced and intuitive kid.

You were probably always more emotionally mature than the children around you. You may have found it easier to relate to adults than most kids.

And while it may have been hard for you to relate to the kids around you, it's likely you had a very close friend or two.

Deep connections were important to you from an early age, and you were the type most able to form a 'BFF' bond with someone.

As a kid, you saw things in the abstract. You did best when you were able to daydream, play, create, and engage your imagination.

You probably found it challenging to sit still in a structure classroom. You may not have made trouble, but your mind was likely elsewhere. 

I Like to Watch Women Fight

With pillows while scantily dressed or maybe wrestling in mud.

This? A little scary.