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October 1, 2013

Mr. Potato Head

In 1952 Mr. Potato Head became the first toy advertised on TV.

I'm a Wiseguy

I'd say inscrutably so, but that would be racist in this context.

You Are Wise

You are very curious about the world, and you like to investigate as much of it as you possibly can.

You enjoy being alone, and the role of detached observer serves you well. You enjoy sitting back and making observations.

You are very perceptive and thoughtful. 

You shy away from intense experiences because there's plenty of intensity in your own mind.

You may have a very sharp mind, but you also have a gentle heart. You treat everyone with compassion and kindness.

September 30, 2013


contrail con·trail [kon-treyl] noun

a visible condensation of water droplets or ice crystals from the atmosphere, occurring in the wake of an aircraft, rocket, or missile under certain conditions.

That's what it means to most people, but it means something else to "certain"other people.

Line Of Fire - Junip

One of the songs featured in the last episode of Breaking Bad.


To the best - IMHO - television show ever. I'll write more about it in a few days...after I go through withdrawal.