misoneism mis·o·ne·ism [mis-oh-nee-iz-uhm, mahy-soh-] noun
hatred or dislike of what is new or represents change.
I wasn't familiar with this word, but definitely am familiar with the definition. I'm one of those people who resist change, but it's basically with websites or operating systems or the layouts of my favorite stores (especially when products I often buy are put somewhere else!). When I get used to something, it's hard for me to change over to the new system...but I eventually do. What annoys me the most is when I don't see the upside to the change and think that it's just change for changes sake.
I've never seen this term applied to them, but many conservatives get accused of a hatred of change, but in most cases, that's not true or deserved. I can't speak for other conservatives, but as for me, I don't generally dislike the change after I get used to it, but I don't like things to be changed just to be changed. If the change is good...and doesn't cost a ton of money...then I'm all for it.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Dallas Cowboys, why in the world did you abandon the run when it was working so well? The conservative approach was winning the ball game.