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March 27, 2014


plash [plash] noun

1. a gentle splash.
2. a pool or puddle. verb (used with object),
3. to splash gently. verb (used without object)

Never heard nor seen this word before. So, taking off the first letter of a word makes it "gentle"?

If that's the case, I guess silently breaking wind would be "art", huh?

Who is Gregory?

Like most everyone else who has a Gmail account, I get a lot of spam; thankfully, most of it is sent straight to the spam folder. Because every now and then a legitimate email or newsletter gets sent there, I go through it once/day and mark them as "safe" so they'll be routed to the inbox in the future. I don't understand why I get so much spam addressed to "Gregory", though.

I did a quick search and found that many people get spam not addressed to them, but I didn't find anyone else who gets "Gregory spam", though. I get something at least once a day addressed to Gregory and there were four emails today. Strange.


404 page from a site I subscribe to in my reader, English Russia.  I generally enjoy the site, a glimpse into many facets of Russia, not only in present time, but also with old photos of the country (or rather, the Soviet Union) during WWII and after.

I did learn my lesson after once commenting on an article;  I had used my Gmail address and within a few hours there were several attempts to hack into it.  They didn't have any success, so I'm grateful my account wasn't invaded like the Russkies did the Crimea.  (The site's owner is overtly supportive of the takeover.)

смущающий - embarrassing in Russian

March 26, 2014

Ear Hear Here

Your sense of hearing is at its best at 10 years old.

March 25, 2014

Happy Waffle Day!

You Are Innovative

You find entirely new ways of doing things. You are progressive and original.

You are knowledgeable and well-read. If no one can teach you, you'll teach yourself.

Nothing escapes notice your notice. You are highly observant and attentive.

You are wise and thoughtful. You are very philosophical about life. 


Coincidentally enough, I "waffled" on choosing the waffle pics. I finally settled on this one, even though I've never had waffles with chocolate sauce and fruit, which sounds/looks delicious.  I'm not sure the results really fit me, but I'd like to think so. (except I'm definitely not "progressive", at least in the political sense)

I haven't had waffles in years and years;  I guess the last time was at an IHOP and it was a mistake on my order but the place was so busy I didn't have the heart or inclination to send them back for the pancakes I had originally ordered.  They were pretty good, so much better than the frozen type we used to sometimes have when I was a kid.  I don't know what it was about those things, but they usually had a cold or frozen spot left in them and if you toasted them longer, they'd come out nearly black, inedible and tough.

As my friends and loyal readers of this blog know, I subscribe to a bunch of recipe sites in my reader.  Every now and then a recipe for chicken and waffles pops up and while that isn't something that's on the menu in this part of the country, I think it would be good.  Then again, I'm a person who likes to dip  french fries into my chocolate shake, so....

Today is Waffle Day, btw, although there's a little bit of controversy about just what day it really is.