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April 1, 2014

25 Biggest Internet Lies

What's Your Intellectual Virtue?

Your Intellectual Virtue is Knowledge

You love deep contemplation but not until you have all the facts and details.

Unlike most people, you don't jump to conclusions. You look at every angle before you start thinking.

You are open to changing your mind if new facts come up. You don't get stuck in an intellectual rut.

You believe that learning is a process and a journey. Your knowledge is always evolving, and there is no end point. 


My intellectual virtue is knowledge? I guess that's about right, except my virtue about knowledge isn't quite a virtue; in regards to learning, I'm like a prostitute that doesn't even charge but will take it where I can and give it away to anyone who asks.


Never mind the Ides of March, it's

Never been a big fan of this "holiday"; the jokes I've fallen for on days past were cruel/mean spirited or made me feel really stupid.  I hope the people who enjoy pulling those types of pranks get their payback in 2 weeks time. (April 15th/Tax Day)

Misfire on Angelfire

OK, it's not technically a 404 page, but is instead a 410 error...but I'd argue that they're basically the same thing in as what you're looking for isn't there. This was what I got when going through some old bookmarks that I had saved to make a post about, but darned if I can remember what there was about it I thought would be worthwhile to share with my loyal readers. Oh well, whatever it was, I'm sure it wasn't THAT great or I'd have already written about it.

Click image for larger view.

Strange graphic, huh? The kid's balloon has crashed in a lovely little field, just barely missing a sheep. (or maybe the sheep was thrown clear in the crash?) I wonder why the penguin was along for the ride.  I don't know why the balloon fell to earth, but I suspect it had something to do with the little ET inside the balloon and his wrecked spaceship.

I signed up for an Angelfire space around the same time I did for this Blogger blog, but I went ahead with Blogger.  I kept signing into my Angelfire acct. however, just in case, but not long afterwards I got an email saying many of the features would be available only with a paid subscription.  No thanks. I didn't want to use the free version, so....

March 31, 2014

Lucky People

Or maybe "Fortunate People Whose Parents Weren't Married"

March 30, 2014


Women have a better sense of smell than men.