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October 12, 2014

Mrs. Brown - Herman's Hermits

Full title: Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter
(wouldn't fit on the title line, sorry.

October 11, 2014


yaff [yaf] verb (used without object), Scot. and North England

1. to bark; yelp.

I've heard Scottish Terriers and English Bulldogs bark and they don't sound like that...then again, maybe they picked up a Texas accent from living here.

Doggy Disco Dancing

October 10, 2014


frisson noun, plural frissons [free-sohnz; French free-sawn]

1. a sudden, passing sensation of excitement; a shudder of emotion; thrill

About the only thrill I get these days is when I lean back in my chair and almost fall over backwards.

Faulty Memory

Einstein could never remember his phone number.

“Why should I bother,” he said, “when I can look it up?”

October 9, 2014