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November 6, 2014


anatine\ AN-uh-tahyn, -tin \ adjective

1. resembling a duck.
2. of or pertaining to the family Anatidae, comprising the swans, geese, and ducks.

I wasn't familiar with the word, but I know what it looks like.

November 5, 2014

Elected - Alice Cooper

A little late for Tuesday's elections, but the sentiment remains.

November 4, 2014

You Better Believe

Sneezing Chicken

If you don't want to wait, the sneeze comes at around 35 seconds in.

November 2, 2014


crapehanger\ KREYP-hang-er \ noun

1. a person who sees the gloomy side of things; pessimist. Also, crepehanger.

Origin: Crapehanger is an Americanism with roots in the custom of hanging crepe paper as a sign of mourning. It came into popular usage in the 1920s.

New word to me, but I certainly know a lot of people who could be described with it...sometimes myself.