Welcome to ToTG!

November 13, 2014

We Are Doomed

Texas Tech's new student political organization PoliTech goes to campus to see how much our students know about their nation's politics! You might be surprised.

No, sorry to say, I'm not surprised, but I am more than a little disappointed that young people in Texas are so ignorant of history and current events.

I'm hopin' that most of them are paying out-of-state tuition.

FYI, I knew every answer, even the pop culture ones, but then again, I'm smarter than any of those being interviewed.  That crap can't help but sink in from all the reading I do, but at least I paid attention in history class and don't get my news from Jon Stewart or have my political opinions shaped by South Park or Saturday Night Live.


clowder \ KLOU-der \ noun

1. a group or cluster of cats.

I have one of these, but I don't call 'em that. Sometimes when I go outside and they're underfoot, the name I call them can't be repeated on this blog.

That isn't my photo or clowder of cats -it's just a photo I found on the 'net (and should have asked permission to use) and my clowder isn't as big nor does it have so many ginger cats, but it's close enough to illustrate what I face when I step out on my porch.

Kitten Therapy

November 12, 2014

October Analytics

Just got the blog stats for October.  If I were trying to make money off this thing or justified the time spent on it by the visitor count, it would be depressing.  As it is, nearly 20 unique visits/day isn't bad, at least not to me.

I've had counters on the page before, but got rid of them because I started trying to minimize the loading time - I post so many videos and have some modules in the right-hand column that slow it down, that I wanted to streamline the other content.  The bounce rate would alarm some other bloggers or webmasters, but it doesn't bother me - heck, I don't put much in here these days that people can't find elsewhere. 

ToTG is definitely "ego-centric" - it's the stuff that I like.  I really do need to change the description of the blog because I've moved away from it being about where I live to it being more about me and the things that interest me.  I'll change it one of these days, when I get a "rountuit".  Procrastination really should be a keyword/post label. - grin-

I used to look through the stats to see what people were searching for and where they came from, but now don't bother with it very often.  It's not that I don't care about the small number of people who visit, it's just that it's a hobby, not something I HAVE to be "successful" at.

November 11, 2014


I found Diffen a few days ago while searching for the differences between a Psychopath vs. Sociopath (and I'm happy to announce that, while I have a few of the traits of both, I'm fairly certain I can't be classified as either.).

From the site:

What is Diffen?

Diffen lets you compare anything.

What is the difference between DVD+R and DVD-R? What is the difference between a pub and a bar? An alligator and a crocodile? What is the difference between 401(k) and IRA? Treasuries and bonds? AMD Turion and Athlon processors? How is a Pentium Core 2 Duo different from Pentium Dual Core? How does the work environment at IBM compare with working at Microsoft? How does living in Seattle compare with living in Amsterdam? What is the difference between a Plasma TV and an LCD TV? Cal Tech and UCLA? Yankees and the Red Sox?

You can find or write all these comparisons on Diffen.


November 10, 2014


This Lyrebird has been playing too many video games and watching too many old Tarzan flicks.