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December 9, 2014

Tears Trivia

The average person's eyes produce 1.2 gallons of tears a year.

96 Tears - ? and the Mysterians

December 7, 2014

December 4, 2014

A Weak Week

Sorry that I haven't posted anything for the last week, I'm still battling this horrible cold.  It's settled into my lungs and while it's not the medical definition, it felt like I had walking pneumonia.   I finally got my appetite back a few days ago, but I've still felt lethargic and didn't want to do much of anything and to be honest, I still don't.

No promises about posting every day from now on, but just wanted to tell my loyal readers - all four/five of you - that I wasn't dead....although I felt like I was dying.

Mark Twain

The only known video recording of Mark Twain.

November 28, 2014


alphitomancy \ al-FIT-uh-man-see \ noun

1. the use of barley meal as a means of divination.

As opposed to alphabitsomancy, the use of children's breakfast cereal as a means of divination.