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March 23, 2015

Hearts Marathon

Well, it took a long time, but I finally managed to complete my 1000-game Hearts marathon.  I regret I didn't note the date I started, but it was over a year ago. (I checked past Hearts posts to estimate,but couldn't find anything)

Going into the last 100 games, I had a winning percentage of 54%, but I had an extremely bad run and wound up, as you can see, at 52%. I tried to play at least one game each day but found myself playing 3-4 or even more once I reached 500 games and started wanting it to just be over.

There were times when I'd start a new game, then catch the Queen of Spades a couple of times in a row or have my quest to Shoot the Moon ruined and be so far behind, I'd just exit and give up on the game.  What was especially maddening was trying to Shoot the Moon and playing the Queen on the very last hand and have two of the other players lay down the Ace and King and spoiling my hand. 

Which leads me to the firm belief that the game "cheats".  Oh, I know it's just a program, but I do think the code for the game has the computer players "collaborating" and it seems the better I'm doing, that's when "they" do it.  As in my example above, it seems most human players would slough off their Ace and King of Spades when they could earlier in the game as so to not catch the Queen. 

Anyway...I think I'm done with Hearts for a while, but I don't think I'll delete the results and start anew.  No, I believe that when I get over my being fed-up with the game, I'll start again from where I left off, maybe extend the marathon to 2500 games!

Bet you can't wait for THAT post, huh?

March 22, 2015

3 Words

I was just about to click the link to delete all the junk in my spam folder earlier and saw this:

I know the subject line is intended to get poor, lonely and ugly slobs (like me) to open the mail and click on the links to find out the secret, the 3 words that will convince a woman to sleep with them, but even though I AM poor, lonely and an ugly slob, I'm not that stupid.

At least not most of the time.

Still, it got me to wondering;  are there really "3 words" to get her into the mood?  I sat here and thought about it, wondering how I could turn this into something funny.  Could the three words be:

"Yes, I'm rich." or
"That's my Ferrari." or
"Have another drink."

Since I've never had a lot of money or didn't care to pick up women at bars or parties, those never were options for me.  Not that I'm any sort of expert, but I think there are other 3-words that are better to use in certain situations, such as:

"Hold my hand." or
"You look lovely." or the ultimate 3 words:
"I love you."

Of course, all those 3-words are to be used for women I care about and that's the first requirement - caring about them- before I want them to want me.

End of story.

March 19, 2015

The Number Four

 photo f_md_wht_zpsrxk6xq5j.gif photo o_md_wht_zpsrafje3gs.gif photo u_md_wht_zps9rlpmpjh.gif photo r_md_wht_zpsgi0w6kzq.gif  is the only number that has the same amount of letters as its actual value.