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March 23, 2017


thaumaturgy \THAW-muh-tuhr-jee\, noun:
The performance of miracles or magic.

Can't recall ever seeing this word in print and am postitive I've never heard it used...and doubt I ever will (hear it OR use it)

Then again....

It's certainly thaumaturgy that this blog has lasted this long, for sure.

Four Winds - Bright Eyes

Stumbled across this vid here a while back and I'm not for sure whether I want to buy the album or boo along with the audience.

Lovely tune, strange lyrics. It's a protest, but I'm not for sure against WHAT.

Update:  Some interpretations of the lyrics.

March 20, 2017

Funny Flamingo Fact

There are more plastic Flamingos in the United States than real ones.

March 8, 2017

Which gift would you like?

From the   photo email12.gif  archives.

Your Personality Determined By Which Gift You Choose

Which gift would you like?

To determine your personality, pick the gift you'd most like to receive...Make the choice now before you go on...don't look until you've made your choice!

1. Candy

2. Flowers

3. A sweet poem

4. Sex

5. Dinner/Dancing

6. Waffle iron

Answers in comment section!

March 5, 2017

Beetle Juice

Cleopatra made her lipstick from crushed beetles, which gave it a red pigment, and ants, which she used for the base.

Chuck Norris - Sniper