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November 18, 2010

Gross Countries Visit This Blog

Uh, I mean a gross of countries.

From the latest Flag Counter stats

November 17, 2010

I'm a Night Owl

You Burn the Midnight Oil

No matter how hard you try, you just don't make a good morning person.

You probably don't feel like your brain turns on until at least noon.

You tend to get energized and inspired late into the evening - no matter how early you had to get up.

Try to schedule your time so that you can be productive after dark. There's no use fighting who you are.


idioglossia\ id-ee-uh-GLOS-ee-uh \ , noun;
1. A private form of speech invented by one child or by children who are in close contact, as twins.
2. A pathological condition in which a person's speech is so severely distorted that it is unintelligible.

Or, maybe how we Texans talk. For example, in Tex-speech, my sister Sharon's name is pronounced "Shurren".

If I Had a Daughter...

She'd probably look and act something like this young girl.

She'd most likely sing and curse like this, too.

WARNING! Some graphic language!

November 16, 2010

Beer Gear

I got a Coors gear catalog in the mail yesterday; I was surprised at how much all the stuff cost - tshirts for $18.50, sweatshirts for forty bucks and up, etc. There was even a Coors beer can mini-fridge for $180 (plus shipping and handling!). (online store)

I'll never buy any beer or liquor shirts; I've got loads left over from when I worked at the pkg. store...and I got those for free. I still get some free stuff now 'n then because when I see one of the vendors at the grocery store I ask 'em if they've got anything. Most of the time they don't - they tell me that part of the budget has been cut way back - but sometimes they do.

What gets me is that, if I bought something, it'd be free advertising for them. Seems like they should furnish the clothing and pay me!

November 13, 2010

P.O.'d Possum

The noise at around :28 seconds in is the Beej, annoyed that I was outside and not paying attention to him. Later in the vid I'm poking a stick near the cage.

October 15, 2010

Who'd a Thunk Punk?

You Are Punk Music

You've thought long and hard about what mainstream society has to offer...

And you've pretty much decided that most normal things aren't for you.

You're creative, expressive, and likely to do things yourself.

You are a rebel and a fighter. You'll defend your point of view to anyone.

I certainly agree with the parts in bold.